Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Website 43• Ungrouped Systems — Each registered system must be a member of at least one system group.The number of ungrouped systems refers to systems that are not yet members of any system group.• Inactive Systems — Number of systems that have not checked into RHN for at least a week. Referto Section for details.The Action Summary section provides the following information about events scheduled in the pastweek:• Recently Failed Actions — Number of scheduled actions that did not succeed.• Pending Actions — Number of scheduled actions that have not yet been completed.• Recently Completed Actions — Number of scheduled actions that succeeded.The System Groups section gives you access to the groups of systems you establish. Clicking on thelinks in this section takes you to the System Group Details pages. Refer to Section for moreinformation.The Errata section lists all and relevant Errata Alerts. You may toggle between All and Relevant byclicking the View All (or Relevant) links at the top of the table. To go to a complete list of applicableErrata Alerts for your systems stored in the Errata category, click View All Relevant Errata in thebottom right-hand corner.You can return to this page by clicking Your RHN on the left navigation bar.4.3.1. Your AccountThe Your Account page allows you to modify your personal information, such as name, password,email and title. To modify any of this information, merely make the changes in the appropriate textfields and click the Update button in the bottom right-hand corner.The email address listed is the address Red Hat Network sends email notifications to, if you select toreceive Errata Alert email for your systems on the Your Preferences page. To change your preferredemail address, replace it and click Update.Remember, if you change your Red Hat Network password (the one used to log into RHN and, you will not see your new one as you type it for security reasons. Replace the asterisks inthe Password and Password Confirmation text fields with your new password. AddressesThe Addresses page allows you to manage your mailing, billing and shipping addresses, as well asthe associated phone numbers. Just click Edit this address next to the address to be modified, makethe changes, and click Update Address.4.3.2. Your PreferencesThe Your Preferences page allows you to configure Red Hat Network options, including:• Errata Email Notification — Determine whether you want to receive email every time an ErrataAlert is applicable to one or more systems in your RHN account.• RHN List Page Size — Maximum number of items that will appear in a list on a single page. If moreitems are in the list, clicking the Next button will display the next group of items. This preferenceapplies to system lists, Errata lists, package lists, and so on.• Time Zone — Set your time zone so that scheduled actions are scheduled according to the time inyour time zone.