Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Website 57• The Affected Systems tab shows a list of systems affected by the Errata Alert. You can applyupdates here. (See Section Clicking on the name of a system takes you to its SystemDetails page. Refer to Section for more information.4.5.3. Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search page allows you to search through Errata according to specific criteria, suchas summary, advisory, and package name. Type your keyword, select the criterion to search by, andclick the Search button. The results appear at the bottom of the page.4.5.4. Manage ErrataThe Manage Errata page enables RHN Enterprise customers who have their own private channel toissue Errata Alerts for their packages.To make a new Errata Alert, click the create new erratum button at the top-right corner of the ErrataManagement page. Then, complete all required fields and click the Create Errata button.To edit an existing Errata Alert’s details, click its Advisory in the Errata Management page, makeyour changes in the appropriate fields of the Details tab, and click the Update Errata button. Clickon the Channels tab to alter the Errata’s channel association. Click on the Packages tab to view andmodify its packages. Manage Errata - PublishedThe Published Errata page is shown by default when you click Manage Errata in the left navigationbar. It displays the Errata Alerts your organization has created and disseminated. Manage Errata - UnpublishedThe Unpublished Errata page appears when you click Unpublished below Manage Errata in theleft navigation bar. It displays the Errata Alerts your organization has created but not yet disseminated. Errata Management DetailsIf you click on the Advisory of a managed Errata Alert in the Published or Unpublished pages, itsManaged Errata Details page appears. This page is further divided into three tabs:• The Details tab provides the primary information you entered about the custom Errata Alert duringits creation. This includes a synopsis, advisory name and type, related product, bugs, description,solution, keywords, references, and notes. To change any of this information, make your modifica-tions in the appropriate fields and click the related Submit button.• The Channels tab shows the channels associated with the selected Errata. To change these associ-ations, select or unselect the appropriate checkboxes and click the Update Channels button.• The Packages tab enables you to manage the packages associated with the selected Errata. To seepackages by channel, select a channel from the View packages in: dropdown menu and click theView button. To change the packages associated with the Errata, select or unselect the appropriatecheckboxes and click the Update Errata button. Clicking on the name of a package displays itsPackage Details page. Refer to Section for more information.