MODULAR SAFETY INTEGRATED CONTROLLER MOSAIC8540780 • 23/03/2017 • Rev.31 107EnglishSPEED CONTROLThe Speed Control function block monitors the speed of adevice generating an output 0 (FALSE) when the measuredspeed exceeds a predetermined threshold. In the case in whichthe speed is below the predetermined threshold the output willbe 1 (TRUE).ParametersAxis type: It defines the type of axis controlled by the device. Itwill be Linear in the case of a translation and will be Rotary inthe case of motion around an axis.Sensor Type: In the event that the previous parameter isLinear, the Sensor Type defines the type of sensor connected tothe module inputs. It can be Rotary (e.g. shaft encoder) orLinear (e.g. optical array). This choice allows to define thefollowing parameters.Measuring device: It defines the type of sensor(s) used. Thepossible choices are:- Encoder- Proximity- Encoder+Proximity- Proximity1+ Proximity2- Encoder1+ Encoder2Enable direction: Enabling this parameter, the DIR output isenabled on the function block. This output will be 1 (TRUE)when the axis rotates Counterclockwise and will be 0 (FALSE)when the axis rotates ClockwiseDirection decision: It defines the direction of rotation forwhich the set thresholds are made active. The possible choicesare:- Bidirectional- Clockwise- CounterclockwiseIf Bidirectional is selected, the excess of the set threshold isdetected whether the axis rotates clockwise orcounterclockwise. Selecting Clockwise or Counterclockwise, thisis detected only when the axis rotates in the selected direction.Threshold number: It allows you to enter the number ofthresholds for the maximum value of speed. Changing thisvalue will increase/decrease the number of thresholds that canbe entered from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 4. In thecase of thresholds greater than 1, the input pins for theselection of the specific threshold will appear in the lower partof the function block.Pitch: If the Axis Type chosen was linear, this field allows youto enter the sensor pitch to obtain a conversion between sensorrevolutions and distance travelled.Example of CLOCKWISE axis rotation2 threshold settingsIn1 Threshold no.0 Speed 11 Speed 24 threshold settingsIn2 In1 Threshold no.0 0 Speed 10 1 Speed 21 0 Speed 31 1 Speed 4