MODULAR SAFETY INTEGRATED CONTROLLER MOSAIC142 8540780 • 23/03/2017 • Rev.31EnglishMUTING FUNCTIONThe Muting function generates a temporary, automatic interruption of safety device operation inorder to permit normal transit of material through the guarded opening.In other words, when the system recognizes the material and distinguishes between this and anyoperator (in a potentially dangerous situation), it is enabled to bypass the safety devicetemporarily, allowing the material to pass through the guarded opening.MUTING OPERATORS (max number = 4)"Concurrent" MUTINGThe activation of the Muting function occursfollowing interruption of the sensors S1 and S2beam (the order does not matter) within a timerange from 2s and 5s decided by the operator (orS3 and S4 with material that is moving in thedirection opposite).The MUTING operator with "Concurrent" logicperforms muting of the input signal throughsensor inputs S1, S2, S3 and S4. Preliminary condition: The Muting cyclecan only start if all the sensors are 0(FALSE) and inputs are 1 (TRUE) (barrierfree).ParametersTimeout (sec): Sets the time, between 10 secs and unlimited, within which the Mutingcycle must end. If the cycle is not complete at the end of this time, Muting is immediatelydiscontinued.Enable: If selected it enables the possibility of enabling or not enabling the Mutingfunction. Otherwise the Muting function is always enabled.There are two Enable modes: Enable/Disable and Enable Only. If Enable/Disable isselected the Muting cycle cannot start if Enable is fixed at 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) but isonly activated with a rising edge. To disable muting, set Enable to 0 (FALSE). In this modethe falling edge disables Muting regardless of the condition. If Enable Only is selectedMuting cannot be disabled but Enable must be set to 0 (FALSE) in order to enable a newrising edge for the next Muting cycle.Direction: The order in which the sensors are occupied can be set. If set to BIDIR they canbe occupied in both directions, from S1&S2 to S3&S4 and from S3&S4 to S1&S2, if set toUP they can be occupied from S1&S2 to S3&S4 and if set to DOWN from S3&S4 to S1&S2.Muting Close: There are two types, CURTAIN and SENSOR. If you select CURTAIN mutingcloses when the input signal rises, if you select SENSOR it closes when the third sensorhas been cleared.