11© 2017 SafeLine and all the SafeLine products and accessories are copyrighted by law.12123412345671234561212ABCDEFSL6+ v2.04 ENInstallationPHONE LINE, RJ12RELAY 1 COMMONRELAY 1 N/CRELAY 1 N/OPHONE LINEPHONE LINEBUS 12 VDCBUS GNDBUS ABUS BBATTERY +12 VDCBATTERY 0 VDC+12 VDC**INPUT 2 (confi gurable)**INPUT 1 (confi gurable)*EMERGENCY BELL +*EMERGENCY BELL –EMERGENCY LIGHT +230 VAC L230 VAC NEMERGENCY LIGHT –Input 1 and 2 OptionsNONEFILTERLMS/SMSCLEAR/MAINTENANCEFIRE MODE (default input 2)ALARM BUTTON (default input 1)CALL DELAY* Maximum 200 mA on theEmergency bell output.** Input 1 and 2 areconfi gurable N/O or N/C inputswith SafeLine Pro as indicatedbelow. RELAY 2 COMMONRELAY 2 N/CRELAY 2 N/OWIRING DIAGRAM SL6+ MAIN UNIT