20 © 2017 SafeLine and all the SafeLine products and accessories are copyrighted by law.SafeLine SL6SafeLine SL6SL6+ v2.04 ENConfigurationCONFIGURATION WITH TELEPHONEOn site configuration with telephoneFor confi guration, you can use any PSTN tone dialphone.• Plug the handset into the RJ12-contact of themain station.• Enter configuration codes on the handsetkeypad.Remote configuration with telephoneFor remote confi guration, you can use any PSTNtone dial phone.• Dial the phone number of the SL6+.• Enter the function codes on the phone keypadto start confi guration (password has to beentered).Confi guration methods with telephone andconfi guration codes are described in “Remoteconfi guration with telephone...”.