5© 2017 SafeLine and all the SafeLine products and accessories are copyrighted by law.01 2 34 56 789 01 2 34 56 789 01 2 34 56 789 01 2 34 56 789 01 2 34 56 789 01 2 34 56 789SafeLine ProSafeLine ProSL6+ v2.04 ENOverviewSYSTEM OVERVIEW• The SL6+ uses a bus system for communicationbetween the main unit and the bus units.• The bus consists of four wires, which transferspower, voice and data.• You can have one SL6+ main unit and up tosix bus units connected to the same bus.• The system uses addresses to communicatewith a selected bus unit. It is important thateach unit have the address selector set to anunique address. Available addresses are 1 to 6.Intercom andconfi guration handsetConfi gfuration andSoftware updateBUSGSM LEDPSTNUSB RS232SystemSpeakerAux. input 1Aux. input 2Emg. bellEmg.button SWupdateExternalpictogram InternalEmg. lightSWupdate SWupdate SWupdate SWupdateEmg./Pushto talkbuttonEmg./Pushto talkbuttonPushto talkbuttonPushto talkbuttonPushto talkbuttonEmg. lightAddressselector AddressselectorAddressselectorAddressselectorAddressselector AddressselectorCAR UNIT CAR TOP LIFT PIT FIRE UNIT FIRE UNIT FIRE UNITSWupdateDESCRIPTION OF THE BUS SYSTEM