40NO NCEN SL6+ v.3.04ServiceTroubleshootingMain Unit*, **, *** Refer to chapter ”Related Test Procedures”PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTIONThe unit makes an alarm callwhen powered up. • Improper type of alarmbutton selected.• Alarm button is stuck.Use SafeLine Pro or a telephoneand parameter *74* and/or *89*to change from N/C (Normallyclosed) to N/O (Normally open) orfrom N/O to N/C.The alarm start to sounddirectly at power-up. • Output 2 is set to N/C.• Input 2 is set to N/O asdefault.Place a jumper between D1 andD3, reprogram to N/O.Then remove the jumper andreboot the device.No sound transmitted fromthe lift car to the call receiver. • Connect a normal phone (e.g.Comphone) to the socket onthe main unit and make a call tothe car (press “1”). Alternatively,press ”0” and wait for dial tone,then dial an external call.• If the sound transmission is OKin both directions, check if youremergency operator supportsthe chosen alarm type.• If no protocol is used, changethe call type to “VOICE” usingSafeLine Pro or program with*21*...*24*.Interfering noise when thecall is connected. • If the main unit is in-stalled on the car roof,the problem might bedue to induction in thephone cable.• According to the telephonecompanies' regulations, thephone line must be installed ina separate cable.Do a noise test (**).GSM noise. • Change the antenna positionwhen a call is connected untilyou find the optimal antennaposition.• Do not install the antenna near themain unit or close to the cabling.Cannot dial out. • Broken line connection(LED 3 not flashinggreen).• No money on refill SIMcard.• Check the phone lineconnection (*).• Verify the SIM card by inserting itinto a normal mobile phone.N/CN/O