26 EB 8823 ENMounting and start-up5 Mounting and start-upSAMSON valves are delivered ready foruse. In special cases, the valve and actuatorare delivered separately and must be assem-bled on site. The procedure to mount andstart up the valve are described in the follow-ing.Risk of valve damage due to excessively highor low tightening torques.Excessively tightened torques lead to partswearing out quicker. Parts that are too loosemay cause leakage.Observe the specified tightening torques (seeTable 5 and Table 6).5.1 Mounting the actuator ontothe valveProceed as described in the actuator docu-mentation if the valve and actuator have notbeen assembled by SAMSON:− Remove the mounted actuator beforemounting the other actuator (see associat-ed actuator documentation).− Preloading the actuator springs increasesthe thrust of a pneumatic actuator and re-duces the travel range of the actuator (seeassociated actuator documentation).5.2 Installing the valve into thepipeline5.2.1 Checking the installationconditionsPipeline routingThe inlet and outlet lengths vary dependingon the process medium. To ensure the controlvalve functions properly, follow the installa-tion instructions given below:Î Observe the inlet and outlet lengths (seeTable 4). Contact SAMSON if the valveconditions or states of the medium pro-cess deviate.Î Install the valve free of stress and with theleast amount of vibrations as possible. Ifnecessary, attach supports to the valve.Î Install the valve allowing sufficient spaceto remove the actuator and valve or toperform service and repair work onthem.Mounting positionGenerally, we recommend installing thevalve with the actuator upright and on top ofthe valve.Î Contact SAMSON for alternative mount-ing positions.Support or suspensionDepending on the valve version and mount-ing position, the control valve and pipelinemust be supported or suspended. The plantengineering company is responsible in thiscase.NOTICE!Note