32 EB 8823 ENMaintenance7 MaintenanceThe control valve is subject to normal wear,especially at the seat, plug and packing. De-pending on the operating conditions, checkthe valve at regular intervals to prevent pos-sible failure before it can occur.SAMSON’s After-sales Service departmentcan support you to draw up a maintenanceplan for your plant.We recommend removing the valve from thepipeline for service or repair work (see sec-tion 9.2).Risk of bursting in pressure equipment.Control valves and pipelines are pressureequipment. Improper opening can lead tovalve components bursting.− Before starting any work on the controlvalve, depressurize all plant sections con-cerned and the valve.− Drain the process medium from all theplant sections concerned as well as thevalve.− Wear personal protective equipment.Risk of personal injury due to sudden escapeof process medium.The valve has a safety bleed to detect dam-aged or worn O-rings. The process mediummay escape suddenly and at high pressure.− Wear protective clothing, gloves and eye-wear when working near or on the valve.− Do not stay in the range of the safety bleedlonger than necessary.Risk of personal injury due to residual pro-cess medium in the valve.While working on the valve, residual processmedium can escape and, depending on itsproperties, may lead to personal injury, e.g.(chemical) burns.Wear protective clothing, gloves and eye-wear.Risk of burn injuries due to hot or cold com-ponents and pipeline.Valve components and the pipeline may be-come very hot or cold. Risk of burn injuries.− Allow components and pipelines to cooldown or heat up.− Wear protective clothing and gloves.TipDANGER!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!