42 EB 8823 ENMaintenance9. Slide guide bushing (7) and packingparts over the plug stem. Make sure youobserve the proper order (see Fig. 12).10. Carefully insert plug with plug stem,packing parts and guide bushing into thebonnet.Risk of leakage due to damaged packingchamber, packing parts and plug stem.When inserting the assembly into the bonnetmake sure that the packing chamber, pack-ing parts and plug stem do not get dam-aged. Otherwise leakage may occur.11. Thread guide bushing (7) into the bonnet(2) and tighten it placing a suitable toolon the flats. Observe tightening torques.12. Check O-rings for damage. ReplaceO-rings, if necessary (see section 7.2.1).13. Apply a suitable lubricant to the bonnet(2).14. Screw bonnet (2) with yoke (3) and plugwith plug stem (5) into the body (1). Ob-serve tightening torques.15. Mount stem connector clamp (A28) andadjust travel. See associated actuatordocumentation.7.2.3 Replacing the seat andplugRisk of damage to the facing of the seat andplug due to abrasion and incorrect serviceor repair.The plug and seat facings are very sensitive.− Before unscrewing the bonnet from thebody, apply a signal pressure to the actua-tor to slightly lift the plug off the seat. Thisprevents the plug and seat from beingdamaged.− Always replace both the seat and plug.When replacing the seat and plug, we alsorecommend replacing the packing. See sec-tion 7.2.2.Standard plug material (Stellite® 6)It is not necessary to remove the actuatorfrom the valve to replace the seat and theplug.1. Apply a signal pressure to the actuator toslightly lift the plug off the seat. Unscrewthe bonnet (2).2. Lift bonnet (2), yoke (3) and plug withplug stem (5) off the body (1).3. Replace O-rings (17) as described insection 7.2.1.NOTICE!NOTICE!TipNote