Page 413.42 PROGRAMMING FEATURE KEYSAllows the System Administrator to customise the programmable keys on specific keysets on the DCSsystem. Buttons 1 and 2 are set as CALL buttons by default. Features are entered via the dial pad keyby pressing the dial pad number the required steps to select the feature. For example, for OHVA thenumber 6 is pressed three times. If a BOSS key is required, press 2 for the first letter B, and then use theUP or DOWN key to change selection from BARGE to BOSS.DIAL KEYPADCOUNT → 1 2 3 4DIAL 2 AAPLAY BARGE CALLDIAL 3 DICT DICT FAUTODIAL 4 GPIK HLDPK* IGDIAL 5 LCR LCR LCRDIAL 6 MMPA NEW OHVADIAL 7 PAGE PAGE REJECT SETMGDIAL 8 TG UA VDIAL* On the DCS 70 this is HDSETPROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next programHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 722 [201] KEY PROG.Display shows 01 : CALL 1 →2. Enter selected station number (eg., 205) [205] KEY PROG.OR press UP or DOWN key to select 01 : CALL 1 →station number and press RIGHT soft keyto move cursor3. Enter selected key number (eg., 18) OR [205] KEY UP or DOWN key to select key 18 : NONE → _number and press the RIGHT soft key tomove the cursor4. Using above chart press the dial pad key [201] KEY PROG.number to make selection OR press the 18 : NONE → GPIK_UP or DOWN key to make selectionand press RIGHT soft key to movethe cursor to step 5 to enter extenderif required or to return to step 25. If required, enter extender (eg., 03) OR [201] KEY PROG.Press UP or DOWN key to make 18 : NONE → GPIK 03selection Press RIGHT soft key toreturn to step 2