Page 453.43 PROGRAMMING THE SMDR REPORT FORMATAllows the System Administrator to select the information printed on the SMDR report. The followingoptions may be selected to print on SMDR:0. PAGE HEADER This option determines whether a page header will print at thetop of each page. This would normally be turned off if SMDRis being sent to a call accounting machine.1. LINE PER PAGE This option selects the length of each page to determinewhen to print the SMDR header. The number of lines may bein the range 01-99.2. INCOMING CALL This option determines whether incoming calls will print onSMDR.3. OUTGOING CALL This option determines whether outgoing calls will print onSMDR.4. AUTHORISECODEThis option determines whether authorisation codes will printon SMDR.5. LESS STARTTIMEThis option determines whether valid calls will include theminimum call time in total call duration.6. IN/OUT GROUP This option allows a message, IN GROUP or OUT GROUP,to be printed in the Digits Dialled column each time a stationenters or leaves a group.7. DND CALL This option allows a message, IN DND or OUT DND, to beprinted in the Digits Dialled column each time a station entersor leaves DND.8. WAKE-UP CALL This option determines whether stations receiving an alarmreminder call will print on SMDR.9. DIRECTORYNAMEThis option allows the System Administrator to enter a 16character name which will appear on the SMDR header.10. CLIP This option can be selected to print CLIP data received fromthe CO on incoming ISDN calls. This option requires the useof a 132 column printer or an 80 column printer set forcondensed print.11. ABANDON CALL If this option is set to YES unanswered calls will print onSMDR.DCS70DCS24LaterDCS12. NO. OF DIALMASKDetermines if number of masked dial digits print on SMDRDCS 12 DID NUM/NAME If this option is set to YES the DID number and name will printon SMDR in the Outgoing call number field.