S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 101U SING W INDOWS ® XPWindows® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Zero Configuration Utility). The following instructions are forService Pack 2 users. If you are using another company’s utility or Windows® 2000, please refer to the user manual of yourwireless adapter for help with connecting to a wireless network. Most utilities will have a “site survey” option similar to theWindows® XP utility as seen below.If you receive the Wireless Networks Detected bubble, clickon the center of the bubble to access the utility or right-clickon the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lowerright corner next to the time). Select View Available WirelessNetworks.The utility will display any available wireless networks in yourarea. Click on a network (displayed using the SSID) and clickthe Connect button.If you get a good signal but cannot access the Internet, checkyou TCP/ IP settings for your wireless adapter. Refer to theNetworking Basics section in this manual for more informa-tion.It is recommended to enable WPA on your wireless router oraccess point before configuring your wireless adapter. If youare joining an existing network, you will need to know theWPA key being used.1. Open the Windows® XP Wireless Utility by right-clickingon the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower-rightcorner of screen). Select View Available Wireless Networks.2. Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like toconnect to and click Connect.3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enterthe WPA-PSK passphrase and click Connect.It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network.If the connection fails, please verify that the WPA-PSK set-tings are correct. The WPA-PSK passphrase must be exactlythe same as on the wireless router.DRAFT, not Final