S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 33Wireless Security Mode: WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security (enhanced)Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is the most advanced and up to date wireless encryption method used today.This is the recommended wireless security option.The following parameters can be configured:Cipher Type: Select the appropriate cipher type to use here. Options to choose from are Temporal KeyIntegrity Protocol (TKIP), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and Auto (TKIP/AES).PSK/EAP: WPA supports two authentication frameworks. Pre-Shared Key (PSK) and Extensible Au-thentication Protocol (EAP). PSK requires only the use of a pass-phrase (Shared Secret)for security. EAP on the other hand requires the installation of a RADIUS Server on thelocal network.RADIUS Server IP Ad-dress:When the user chooses to use the EAP authentication framework, the RADIUS server’s IPaddress can be entered here.Port: When the user chooses to use the EAP authentication framework, the RADIUS server’s portnumber can be entered here.Shared Secret: Enter the shared secret used here. This secret phrase needs to be the same on all of thewireless client for them to be able to connect to the wireless network successfully.DRAFT, not Final