S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 83S TATUS C ATEGORYIn this category the user will be able to view information regarding the configuration and functionality of this device. Displayslike WAN, LAN and Wireless configurations, System, Firewall and Router logs, and more.Pages that can be configured in the Status category are as follows:Device Information: This page displays the current information for the router. It will display the LAN, WAN (Internet), andWireless information.Logs: The Logs option allows you to view the router logs. You can define what types of events you want to view and the levelof the events to view. This router also has external Syslog Server support so you can send the log files to a computer on yournetwork that is running a Syslog utility.Statistics: Here you can view the amount of packets that pass through the router on both the WAN, LAN ports and both the802.11n/g (2.4GHz) and 802.11n/a (5GHz) wireless bands. The traffic counter will reset if the device is rebooted.Internet Sessions: The Internet Sessions page displays full details of active Internet sessions through your router. AnInternet session is a conversation between a program or application on a LAN-side computer and a program or application ona WAN-side computer.Wireless: The wireless client table displays a list of current connected wireless clients. This table also displays the connec-tion time and MAC address of the connected wireless clients.IPv6: The IPv6 page displays a summary of the Router’s IPv6 settings and lists the IPv6 address and host name of any IPv6clients.DRAFT, not Final