S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 52In the next section, the user can configure the more advanced wireless settings for the 5GHz frequency band.The following parameters can be configured:Wireless Band: Here the user can view the wireless frequency band being configured. In the case 5GHz.Transmit Power: This option sets the transmit power of the antennas.Beacon Interval: Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to synchronize a wireless network. Specify avalue. 100 is the default setting and is recommended.RTS Threshold: Here the user can enter the RTS threshold value used. This value should remain at itsdefault setting of 2346. If inconsistent data flow is a problem, only a minor modificationshould be made.Fragmentation: The fragmentation threshold, which is specified in bytes, determines whether packets willbe fragmented. Packets exceeding the 2346 byte setting will be fragmented before trans-mission. 2346 is the default setting.DTIM Interval: Here the user can enter the DTIM Interval value. Delivery Traffic Indication Message(DTIM) is a countdown informing clients of the next window for listening to broadcast andmulticast messages. The default settings is 1.Preamble Type: Use the radio buttons to specify whether the Router should use the Short Preamble orLong Preamble type. The preamble type defines the length of the CRC (Cyclic Redun-dancy Check) block for communication between the Router and roaming wireless adapt-ers.Short Guard Interval: Check this box to reduce the guard interval time therefore increasing the data capacity.However, it’s less reliable and may create higher data loss.Click on the Save Settings button to accept the changes made.Click on the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes made.DRAFT, not Final