Basic Printing16Advanced OptionsYou can set advanced settings by clicking the AdvancedOptions button.• TrueType Options: This option determines what the drivertells the printer about how to image the text in your document.Select the appropriate setting according to the status of yourdocument.- Download as Outline: When this option is selected, thedriver will download any TrueType fonts that are used in yourdocument not already stored (resident) on your printer. If,after printing a document, you find that the fonts did not printcorrectly, choose Download as bit image and resubmit yourprint job. The Download as bit image setting is often usefulwhen printing Adobe. This feature is available onlywhen you use the PCL printer driver.- Download as Bitmap: When this option is selected, thedriver will download the font data as bitmap images.Documents with complicated fonts, such as Korean orChinese, or various other fonts, will print faster in this setting.- Print as Graphics: When this option is selected, the driverwill download any fonts as graphics. When printing documentswith high graphic content and relatively few TrueType fonts,printing performance (speed) may be enhanced in thissetting.• Print All Text To Black: When the Print All Text ToBlack option is checked, all text in your document prints solidblack, regardless of the color it appears on the screen.• Print All Text To Darken: When the Print All Text ToDarken option is checked, all text in your document is allowedto print darker than on a normal document. Some printers donot support this feature.Extras TabYou can select output options for your document. See “Printinga Document” on page 12 for more information about accessingthe printer properties.Click the Extras tab to access the following feature:WatermarkYou can create a background text image to be printed on eachpage of your document. For details, see “Using Watermarks” onpage 21.OverlayOverlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms andletterhead paper. For details, see “Using Overlays” on page 22.Output Options• Print Subset: You can set the sequence in which the pagesprint. Select the print order from the drop-down list.- Normal (1,2,3): Your printer prints all pages from the firstpage to the last page.- Reverse All Pages (3,2,1): Your printer prints all pagesfrom the last page to the first page.- Print Odd Pages: Your printer prints only the odd numberedpages of the document.- Print Even Pages: Your printer prints only the evennumbered pages of the document.• Use Printer Fonts: When Use Printer Fonts is checked, theprinter uses the fonts that are stored in its memory (residentfonts) to print your document, rather than downloading thefonts used in your document. Because downloading fonts takestime, selecting this option can speed up your printing time.When using Printer fonts, the printer will try to match the fontsused in your document to those stored in its memory. If,however, you use fonts in your document that are very differentfrom those resident in the printer, your printed output willappear very different from what it looks like on the screen.This feature is available only when you use the PCLprinter driver.