Glossary 136Fuser UnitThe part of a laser printer that fuses the toner onto the print media.It consists of a heat roller and a pressure roller. After toner istransferred onto the paper, the fuser unit applies heat and pressureto ensure that the toner stays on the paper permanently, which iswhy paper is warm when it comes out of a laser printer.GatewayA connection between computer networks, or between a computernetwork and a telephone line. It is very popular, as it is a computer ora network that allows access to another computer or network.GrayscaleA shades of gray that represent light and dark portions of an imagewhen color images are converted to grayscale; colors arerepresented by various shades of gray.HalftoneAn image type that simulates grayscale by varying the number ofdots. Highly colored areas consist of a large number of dots, whilelighter areas consist of a smaller number of dots.Mass storage deviceMass storage device, commonly referred to as a hard drive or harddisk, is a non-volatile storage device which stores digitally-encodeddata on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces.IEEEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is aninternational non-profit, professional organization for theadvancement of technology related to electricity.IEEE 1284The 1284 parallel port standard was developed by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The term "1284-B" refersto a specific connector type on the end of the parallel cable thatattaches to the peripheral (for example, a printer).IntranetA private network that uses Internet Protocols, network connectivity,and possibly the public telecommunication system to securely sharepart of an organization's information or operations with itsemployees. Sometimes the term refers only to the most visibleservice, the internal website.