Using USB memory device 512. Menu overview and basic setup 18Printing from a USB memory deviceYou can directly print files stored on a USB memory device.Direct Print option supported file types:• PRN: Only files created by provided driver with your machine arecompatible.If you print PRN files created from other machine, theprintout would be different.• BMP: BMP Uncompressed• TIFF: TIFF 6.0 Baseline• JPEG: JPEG Baseline• PDF: PDF 1.4 and below• XPSTo print a document from a USB memory device, you can use thesefeatures from the Direct USB > USB Print or Print From menu (see"Menu overview" on page 25).If you see [+] or [D] in the front of a folder name, there are oneor more files or folders in the selected folder. 19Viewing the USB Memory StatusYou can check the amount of memory space available for savingdocuments.You can use these features from the Direct USB > Show Space orCheck Space menu (see "Menu overview" on page 25). 20Backing up dataData in the machine’s memory can be accidentally erased due topower failure or storage failure.You can use these features from the System Setup (or Setup >System) > Export Setting and Import Setting menu (see "Menuoverview" on page 25). 21Managing USB memoryYou can delete image files stored on a USB memory device one byone or all at once by reformatting the device.You can use these features from the Direct USB > File Managemenu (see "Menu overview" on page 25).