129POWERDISTRIBUTION SYSTEMNo. Name DescriptionPulse input terminals 8 terminals are allocated to interface pulse-type electricity meters. Each terminal is seenwith a dedicated address on DMS2.Power input 1PXFSTVQQMZWJBUIFQPXFSBEBQUFSReset button 1SFTTUIFCVUUPOUPSFTFUUIF.*.#/COM1 Connection terminal for RS485 communication with DMS2.COM2 Reserved3) Connectors4) Address & option switchesAddress switchSW1 SW2 SW3 SW4Option switchNo Name Description1 SW1 No function2 SW2 MIM-B16N address switch. Address greater than 7 (8~F) is not recognized.3 SW3 No function4 SW4 No function[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGXY` YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]aY`