149BUILDINGMANAGEMENT SYSTEM4) Connection diagramDMS-LnetFor power distributionOnOffcontroller LonWorks GW1PXFSMJOFR1-R2R1-R2R1-R2F1-F2F1-F2F1-F2Watt-hour meterElectricalsubstation1*.f MIM-B16(PIM) should be connected separately with outdoor units or controllers.f MIM-B16N(PIM) can be connected with outdoor units or controllers to same channel of DMS2.5) WiringF1 F2 R1 R2F1 F2 R1 R2(CH = Channel)(1) Connecting outdoor unit directlyt.BYJNVNPVUEPPSVOJUTDBOCFDPOOFDUFEUPFBDIDIBOOFMt5PUBMPVUEPPSVOJUTDBOCFDPOOFDUFE(2) Connecting OnOff controller/Touch centralized controllert.BYJNVN0O0GGDPOUSPMMFS5PVDIDFOUSBMJ[FEDPOUSPMMFSDBOCFDPOOFDUFEUPFBDIDIBOOFM; Note LonWorks GW can connect outdoor unit and OnOff controller/Touch centralized controller at the same time. Outdoor unit and OnOff controller/Touch centralized controller can be connected to 1 communication channel at the same time.Samsung RS485communicationLonWorkscommunication BMS[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGX[` YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]aZ^