167BUILDINGMANAGEMENT SYSTEMSingle indoor unit has following point list.InstanceNumber Object ObjectType Object NameUnit Status valueInactive ActiveText-1 Text-2 Text-3 Text-4 Text-51 Indoor temperature AI AC_RoomTemp_xx_xxxxxx2 Set temperature AV AC_Temp_Set_xx_xxxxxx3 Setting lower temperature limit AV AC_Cool_LimitTemp_xx_xxxxxx4 Setting upper temperature limit AV AC_Heat_LimitTemp_xx_xxxxxx5 The power value of an indoorunit after the basic date AI AC_Baseline_kWh_xx_xxxxxx6 The number of hours usage of anindoor unit after the basic date AI AC_Baseline_Minute_xx_xxxxxx7 Power value within period AI "$@1FSJPE@L8I@YY@YYYYYY kWh8 The number of hours usage ofan indoor unit within period AI "$@1FSJPE@.JOVUF@YY@YYYYYY Minute9 Power On/Off BV "$@1PXFS@YY@YYYYYY Off On Applying lower temperaturelimit setting BV AC_Cool_Limit_set_xx_xxxxxx False True11 Applying upper temperaturelimit setting BV AC_Heat_Limit_set_xx_xxxxxx False True12 Filter sign status BI AC_FilterSign_xx_xxxxxx False True13 Filter sign reset BO AC_FilterSign_Reset_xx_xxxxxx False True14 Operation mode status MV AC_Operation_Mode_xx_xxxxxx Auto Cool Heat Fan Dry15 Fan speed status MV AC_FanSpeed_xx_xxxxxx Auto Low Mid High16 Air flow direction status MV AC_FanFlow_xx_xxxxxx None Vertical Horizon All17 Operation mode limit status MV AC_Mode_Limit_xx_xxxxxx NoLimitCoolOnlyHeatOnly18 Remote controller limit status MV AC_Remocon_Limit_xx_xxxxxx EnableRCDisableRCConditionalRC19 Integrated error code of bothindoor unit and outdoor unit AI AC_Error_Code_xx_xxxxxx Refer to Samsung integrated error code list(7) SPI setting BV "$@41*@YY@YYYYYY False True21(7) HumanSensor setting BV AC_MDS_xx_xxxxxx False True22(7) AC Indoor Notify NC AC_Notify_xx_xxxxxx When the error occurred, send event to list ofdestination in the recipient_list. (Max : 8)Ú Temperature setting range can be different depending on the model and the common range is as follows :"VUP$_$$PPM$_$)FBU$_$'BO5FNQFSBUVSFDBOOPUCFBEKVTUFE%SZ$_$(7) Mark is optionally supported.7) Object list(1) Indoor unit[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGX]^ YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]a[[