Control Systems186VIIVII Test run tool for system air conditioner installation2) Product specificationtExecute test run for Samsung system air conditionerand inspects the parts (EEV, Sensor).tIt can be linked with mobile application to allow savingand monitoring data of the test run.Live Wi-Fi 485 ErrorPRESSUREEEV1EEV2DOWNLOADTEMP.2 TEMP.1 REPORT POWEROFF/ONRESET96.00 36.60124.00Power supply 7_7"$ )[Power consumption #FMPX8Operating temperature range ¡$_¡$Operating humidity range 3)_3)Communication RS485 1PSU2hUZ 1Wi-Fi Supportablity SupportedMaximumnumber ofcontrollabledevicesRS485 m NIndoor unit EA 64Outdoor unit EA 1>4VQQPSUFETQFDJGJDBUJPOPGUIFNPCJMFBQQMJDBUJPO3FTPMVUJPOPWFS9 PQUJNJ[FEBU9- OS : Android 2.3~4.121. S-Checker1) FeaturesMIM-C10NOutdoor unit AM7777X777777ModelIndoor unit AM7777N777777ModelCompatible product[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGX_] YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]a\W