131POWERDISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPulse signalAC PowerF1/F2F1/F20 1 20 1 2EM1 EM2 EM3 EM4CM1OFFPulse signalAC PowerF1/F2F1/F20 1 20 1 2EM1 EM2 EM3 EM4CM1OFFRefrigerant pipeRefrigerant pipeRefrigerant pipeRefrigerant pipeMain circuit breakerfor entire air-conditioning systemMain power breakerfor air-conditioning6) InstallationMIM-B16N must not be installed in a way that power to MIM-B16N is off when one of the over-current circuit breakersis switched off. Power supply to MIM-B16N must be off only when all the power supplies to refrigerant systems whosepower consumptions are monitored by the MIM-B16N are cut off. This is because every pulse from electricity meters ofsome alive refrigerant systems must be sensed normally even if power supplies toother refrigerant systems have troubles.t&YBNQMF 8IFOUIFDJSDVJUCSFBLFS $.JTTXJUDIFEPGGGPSTPNFSFBTPOXIJMFUIFPUIFSTBSFTUJMMPO QVMTFTGSPNUIFFMFDUSJDJUZmeters, EM1, EM2 and EM3 are not calculated by MIM-B16N, whose power is off by the CM1. This installation couldlead to errors in electricity billing function when power interruption in local areas occurs.t&YBNQMF &WFOXIFOUIFDJSDVJUCSFBLFS $.JTTXJUDIFEPGGXIJMFUIFPUIFSTBSFPO QVMTFTGSPNUIFFMFDUSJDJUZNFUFST &.EM2 and EM3 are still calculated by MIM-B16N, whose power is not interrupted by CM1.[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGXZX YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]aZW