Control Systems1942. S-Converter1) FeaturesMIM-C02N2) Product specificationt$PNNVOJDBUJPODPOWFSUJOHNPEVMFUPDPOOFDU4BNTVOHTZTUFNBJSDPOEJUJPOFSUPB1$t Main purpose for use- To coonect with test run program[Test run program]· S-NET Pro : Conventional communication· S-NET Pro 2 : New communication66.5028.0022.0013.0055.3080.3092.0092.00Power supply %$7 CFMPXN"Power consumption Below 3 WOperating temperature range ¡$_¡$Operating humidity range 3)_3)Communication RS485 1PSU2hUZ 1Maximumlength ofconnectionRS485 m NVIIVII Test run tool for system air conditioner installation[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGX`[ YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]a\Y