2.22 Receiving a fax9. Press Start/Enter. The LCD displays the current time on the upper lineand asks you to enter the time when the fax is to be sent.10. If you want to send it at a later time, enter the time you want yourmachine to send the document. If you want to send the documentimmediately, skip over this step.Enter the time in same format (12/24 hour) as current time.If you set a time earlier than the current time, the document will be sentat that time on the following day.Note: AM or PM is selected by pressing for the" or❷ buttons.11. Press Start/Enter when the time appears correctly in the LCD. Thedocument will be scanned into memory before transmission. The LCDdisplays the memory capacity and the number of pages.Note: You can change your machine not to scan the document into memoryautomatically. Refer to ‘Send from memory’ under ‘User options’ on page2.46. If you turn this feature off, the LCD prompts you at this step to chooseeither to scan into memory before transmission or not.If you cannot fit all the pages in memory, the machine automatically beginsto send the document without waiting all the pages are scanned. But if youregistered delayed transmission at step 10, the LCD displays ‘MEMORYFULL’ and ‘CANCEL ?.’To cancel the job, press 1. If you press 2, the pages already scanned will besent, and you should send the remaining pages in a separate operation.The machine returns to standby mode.Note: To cancel the confidential transmission setup, see ‘Canceling a standbyoperation’ on page 2.16.In case a document loaded in the automatic document feeder, you cannotperform any more tx job such as delay Tx, conf. Tx, and Tx poll unless thedocument is sent out.CURRENT 02:30PMSTART 02:30PMSCAN TO MEMORY95% P. 001TOTAL PAGES=00718-JUL-1998 95%CONF. TX 03:30PM