102 Users ManualBy default, the power scheme is configured to BatteryMgr-normal mode. Bat-teryMgr-normal mode extends the battery life and optimizes the Intel Speed-step function. Since the CPU power consumption is automatically optimized toconserve power when the computer is operating on battery power, an applica-tion may be executed slower than when it is operating on AC power.To useBatteryMgr-normal mode after reinstalling Windows, install the Battery Man-ager program using the system software Media.4. Select the time that you wish each of the following actions to occur in Battery andAC power mode.• Turn off monitor• Turn off hard disks• System standby• System hibernatesTurning off the monitor and HDDs will save a substantial amount of battery power,therefore when in battery only mode select the shortest time practical.You can also reserve Turning Computer Off, Hibernation state, Hold Mode,etc. by selecting System > Computer Scheduling in the EasyBox program.(see “Using EasyBox” on page 34.)