76 Users ManualSetting Up a Sharing Server1. Run Samsung Network Manager on the computer to be used as the sharing serv-er.2. Click the Add button.3. Select a network location icon and enter the name of the location (e.g. Home).Click the Next button.4. Select Internet direct Connection for sharing and click the Next button.5. Set up the network device to be connected to the external Internet. Determinewhether to use a firewall and select a network device to be connected to the exter-nal Internet (e.g. Wired LAN). Set the IP address and then click the Next button.- To protect against external intrusion attempts, using a firewall is recommend-ed.- For more information on selecting a device and setting the IP address, referto the description of item 6 of "Setting Up a Network" on page 71.6. Select a network device to connect to the sharing client (e.g. wireless LAN) andclick the Next button.Determine whetherto use a firewallSelect a deviceSet an IP address