Troubleshooting 1311. Right-click over the Desktop and select Properties from the pop-up menu.2. In the [Display Properties] window, select the Settings tab > Advanced > CAT-ALYST Control Center tab.3. Click the ATI CATALYST Control Center button to run the CATALYSTControl Center.4. From the View menu, select the Advanced View item.5. Select Notebook Panel Properties > Properties and set the Panel Settings to'Image Zoom In - Fit to Panel Size' and click the Apply button.Q8 Game play is not displayed smoothly on the screen.A For 3D games, the texture data for the 3D screen display is saved to the systemmemory. If there is insufficient system memory, the data is saved to the hard diskdrive and loaded to memory when required. This operation may temporarily stopdisplaying the picture on the screen.In this case, lower the game resolution or the screen settings. (For Delta Force:Black Hawk Down, Medal of Honor, Battle Field, 1942, etc.)