Using the menus563. Message (continued)3.8 Erase MSG3.8.1 Voice3.8.2 Old Inbox3.8.3 New Inbox3.8.4 Sent3.8.5 Draft3.8.6 Saved3.8.7 All Messages3.9 MSG Setting3.9.1 Scroll Timer3.9.2 MSG Reminder3.9.3 New MSG3.9.3.1 Save Message3.9.3.2 Entry Method3.9.4 Canned MSG4. Planner (see page 85)4.1 Today4.2 Scheduler4.3 Task List4.4 Memo Pad4.5 Alarm4.6 Calculator4.7 World Time4.8 Countdown4.9 Set Time5. Voice Tools (see page 107)5.1 Voice Memo5.1.1 Record5.1.2 Review5.1.3 Erase All5.2 Voice Answer5.2.1 On/Off5.2.2 Inbox5.2.3 SettingUsing the menus576. Sounds (see page 110)6.1 Ringer Volume6.1.1 Calls6.1.2 Messages6.1.3 Alarm6.2 Ringer Type6.2.1 Voice Calls6.2.2 Messages6.2.3 Data/Fax In6.2.4 Schedule6.3 Key Tone6.3.1 Type6.3.2 Volume6.4 Alerts6.5 Roam Ringer6.6 Tone Length6.7 Power On/Off7. Display7.1 Menu Style7.2 Wall Paper7.3 Language/7.4 Backlight7.5 Banner7.6 Dual Clock7.7 Service LED7.8 Contrast8. Games8.1 Chicken Run8.2 Mobile Cop