Troubleshooting_ 95UNDERSTANDING DISPLAY MESSAGESMessages appear on the control panel display to indicate the machine’sstatus or errors. Refer to the tables below to understand the messages’ andtheir meaning, and correct the problem, if necessary.Checking display messages• If a message is not in the table, reboot the power and try theprinting job again. If the problem persists, call for service.• When you call for service, provide the service representative withthe contents of display message.• Some messages may not appear in the display depending on theoptions or models.• [error number] indicates the error number.• [tray type] indicates the tray number.• [media type] indicates the media type.• [media size] indicates the media size.• [color] indicates the color of toner or imaging unit.MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONS[COMM. Error] The machine has acommunicationproblem.Ask the sender to tryagain.[Incompatible] The machine hasreceived a fax fromwhich is registered asa junk fax.The received fax data willbe deleted. Reconfirmjunk fax setup. See page50[Line Busy] The receiving faxmachine did notanswer or the line isalready engaged.Try again after a fewminutes.[Line Error] Your machine cannotconnect with thereceiving fax machineor has lost contactbecause of a problemwith the phone line.Try again. If the problempersists, wait an hour orso for the line to clear andtry again. Or, turn theECM mode on. See page50.[Stop Pressed] Stop/Clear has beenpressed during anoperation.Try again.BOOTP problemAuto IP RunThe IP addressassignment is failed.This happens, whenAuto IP for BOOTP isset in SyncThru WebService.Change the IP addressassignment method toDHCP or Static. If you donot change this option,the BOOTP servercontinually asks to assignthe IP Address.BOOTP problemReconfigure DHCPThe IP addressassignment is failed.This happens, whenAuto IP for BOOTP isnot set in SyncThruWeb Service.Change the IP addressassignment method toDHCP or Static. If you donot change this option,the BOOTP servercontinually asks to assignthe IP Address.DHCP problem:Auto IP RunThe IP addressassignment is failed.This happens, whenAuto IP for DHCP isset in SyncThru WebService.Change the IP addressassignment method toBOOTP or Static. If youdo not change this option,the DHCP servercontinually asks to assignthe IP Address.DHCP problemReconfigureBOOTPThe IP addressassignment is failed.This happens, whenAuto IP for DHCP isnot set in SyncThruWeb Service.Change the IP addressassignment method toBOOTP or Static. If youdo not change this option,the DHCP servercontinually asks to assignthe IP Address.Document Jam.Remove JamThe loaded originalhas jammed in theADF.Clear the jam (See"Clearing originaldocument jams" onpage 91).Door Open.Close itThe front cover is notsecurely latched.Close the cover until itlocks into place.MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONSDownloaded From Manuals