Troubleshooting_ 96End of lifeReplace new cartThe indicated tonercartridge has reachedits estimated cartridgelife. The printer stopsprinting.Estimatedcartridge lifemeans theexpected orestimated tonercartridge life,which indicatesthe averagecapacity ofprint-outs and isdesignedpursuant toISO/IEC 19798(See "Availablesupplies" onpage 107).The number ofpages may beaffected byoperatingenvironment,printing interval,media type, andmedia size.Some amount oftoner mayremain in thecartridge evenwhen End oflife Replacenew cartappears and theprinter stopsprinting.Replace the tonercartridge (See "Replacingthe toner cartridge" onpage 107).Error [error number]Turn off then onA systematic error hasoccurredReboot the power and trythe printing job again. Ifthe problem persists, callfor service.Install Toner The toner cartridge isinstalled improperly,or not installed.Reinstall the tonercartridge two or threetimes to confirm it isseated properly. If theproblem persists, thetoner cartridge is notbeing detected. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Load [media size] in[tray number]There is nocorresponding paperin the correspondingtray.Load correspondingpaper in thecorresponding tray (See"Loading paper in thetray" on page 47).MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONSMemory FullRemove JobThe memory is full. Press the left/right arrowto highlight Cancel orStart, then press OK. Ifyou select Cancel, themachine stops the faxjob. If you select Start,the machine only sendsscanned documents ofthe fax job.Network Problem:IP ConflictThe IP address isused elsewhere.Check the IP address orobtain a new IP address.No Answer The receiving faxmachine has notanswered afterseveral redialattempts.Try again. Make sure thatthe receiving machine isoperational.Not Compatibletoner cartridgeThe toner cartridge isnot suitable for yourmachine.Install the correspondingtoner cartridge with aSamsung-genuinecartridge (See "Replacingthe toner cartridge" onpage 107).Output bin FullRemove paperThe output tray is full.Or the sensor is notfacing down.Remove papers from theoutput tray, the machineresumes printing. Ormake sure the sensor isfacing down. If theproblem persists, call forservice.Paper Emptyin [tray number]There is no paper inthe indicated tray.Load paper in the tray(See "Loading paper inthe tray" on page 47).Pulled Out[tray number]CassetteThe indicated traycassette is notinserted, or notproperly closed.To close the tray, lowerthe rear edge, align it withthe slot, and slide it intothe printer.Paper Jamin MP TrayPaper has jammed inthe manual tray area.Clear the jam (See "In themanual tray" onpage 93).Paper Jamin Tray 1Paper has jammed inthe tray1 area.Clear the jam (See "Intray 1" on page 93).Paper Jaminside machinePaper has jammedinside the machine.Clear the jam (See"Inside the machine" onpage 93).Paper Jamin exit areaSpecial print mediahas jammed in thepaper exit area.Clear the jam.• See "In exit area" onpage 94.• See "In the manualtray" on page 93)MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONSDownloaded From Manuals