7.10 TroubleshootingProblem Possible Cause and Remedy• The page layout is too complex. Simplify the page layoutand remove any unnecessary graphics from the documentif possible.• The page orientation setting may be incorrect. Change thepage orientation in the Printer Properties dialogue box.• The paper size and the software paper size settings do notmatch. Insert the correct paper into the machine or changethe software paper size settings.• Scaling may be set to less than 100%. Change the Scalingsetting in the Printer Properties dialogue box.• The printer cable specifications may be incorrect. Use orreplace the cable with an IEEE-1284 rated cable.Your machine prints thewrong data, or it printsincorrect characters.Half of the page is blank.• The printer cable might not be connected properly. Checkthe printer cable connection.• There may be a problem with the printer driver software.Exit Windows and reboot the computer. Turn the printer offand then back on again.• The printer cable specifications may be incorrect. Use orreplace the cable with an IEEE-1284 rated cable.• If using Windows 95/98/Me, the Spooling Setting may beset incorrectly. From the Start menu, select Settings andPrinters. Click your printer icon with the right mousebutton, select Properties, click the Details tab, and thenclick the Spool Settings button. Select the desired spoolsetting from the available choices.• If you are using Windows NT/2000/XP, the Schedulingsetting may be set incorrectly. From the Start menu,select Settings and Printers. Click your printer icon withthe right mouse button, select Properties, click theScheduling tab. Then, select the desired schedulingsetting from the available choices.Printing is too slow.Scanner is busy receivingor printing data. When thecurrent job is completed,tray again.There may be a copying or printing job in progress. When thecurrent job is completed, try the job again.