2.1Installing Samsung SoftwareAbout Samsung SmarThru SoftwareYou must install software using the supplied CD-ROM after you have setup your machine and connected it to your computer. The CD-ROMincludes:• Samsung software• User’s Guides• Adobe Acrobat ReaderThe CD-ROM provides you with the following software:Windows MFP DriverTo use your machine as a printer and scanner from Windows, you mustinstall the MFP driver. For information about installing the MFP driver inWindows, see page 2.4.Remote Control PanelIt is automatically installed when you install the MFP driver.USB DriverYou must first install the USB driver for the USB connection in Windows98/Me. For information about installing the USB driver, see page 2.8. InWindows 2000/XP, the USB port is provided so that you don’t have toinstall the USB driver. Just install the MFP driver.SmarThru SoftwareSmarThru is the accompanying software for your multifunctionalmachine. SmarThru contains a powerful image editor that allows you toedit images in many ways and also includes powerful Internet mail clientsoftware.With SmarThru, you can save the scanned images in a dedicated storagearea for subsequent editing, sending via e-mail or fax, printing, andprocessing by other programs of your choice.Samsung SmarThru