INSTALLATION AND S ETUPCHAPTER TWO : INSTALLATION AND SETUP 2.137Enter the name (up to 40characters) by using thenumber keypad.ABC DEF 12345JKLGHI MNOTUVPQRS WXYZ1 2 34 5 67 8 90√ For information on using thenumeric keypad to enter letters, seepage 2.13.You can include special characters(space, plus sign, etc.) in the name. Seepage 2.14 ‘Keypad CharacterAssignments’.8Press Start/Copy whenthe name in the display iscorrect.The machine returns toStandby Mode.234Start/CopyThe display asks you toenter a name.6Press Start/Copy whenthe number in the displayis correct.234Start/CopyN A M E : _√ You can enter up to 20 digits, andinclude special characters (space,hyphen, plus sign, etc.) in the number.To enter a space, press Redial/Pause.To enter a hyphen (-), press #.To enter plus symbol (+), press *.If you enter a wrong number, use πor † to move the blinking cursor underthe number, then enter the correctnumber.5Enter the telephonenumber to which yourmachine is connected.ABC DEF 12345JKLGHI MNOTUVPQRS WXYZ1 2 34 5 67 8 90Using the Keypad to Enter LettersThese instructions assume that the display is asking you to enter a name.1Locate the button labeledwith the letter youwant -then press thebutton repeatedly untilthe correct letter appearsin the display.ABC DEF 12345JKLGHI MNOTUVPQRS WXYZ1 2 34 5 67 8 90√ For example, to enter an O, press 6(labeled MNO). Each time you press 6the LCD displays a different letter-first M, then N, and O, and finally 6.For a list of letters and correspondingbuttons, see the table on the followingpage.0-Chapter 2-1(GODREJ) 9/20/98 4:46 PM Page 4