Communication14MessagesLearn to use messaging functions. Forinstructions on entering text, see theQuick Start Guide. For an explanation ofoptions, see "Change message options."X p.25Message foldersWhen you open Messaging, you will seethe New message function and a list offolders:• Inbox: received messaging, exceptemail and cell broadcast messages• My folders: message templates andsaved messages• Mailbox: received email messages;when you create a mailbox, the nameyou specify will appear here• Drafts: messages you have not yetsent• Sent: recent sent messages• Outbox: temporary storage formessages waiting to be sent• Reports: delivery reports of text andmultimedia messages; you mustrequest a delivery report in themessage options before sending• Messages sent via the Bluetoothwireless feature are not saved in theDrafts or Sent folder.• You may not receive a deliveryreport for a multimedia message ifyou send it to an email address.