55Personal productivity4. When you are finished, press <Done>to save your entry.Change the calendar view1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Organiser → Calendar.2. Press <Options> → a view type.Stop an event alarmIf you set an alarm for a calendar event,the alarm will sound for one minute atthe specified time. To stop the alarm,press <Stop>.To set the alarm to sound again shortly,press <Silence> → <Snooze>.Change calendar optionsFrom any calendar view, press<Options> → Settings to change thefollowing options:• Calendar alarm tone: set apersonalised alarm tone• Alarm snooze time: set a snoozeduration for calendar alarms• Default view: set the view that isshown when you open the calendar• Week starts on: set a day to showfirst in week view• Week view title: set the title of theweek view to a week number or dateIn the Synchronisation field, youcan specify whether an event isPrivate (seen only by you), Public(seen by anyone with access to yourdata after you sync), or None (notsynchronised).