Additional programs78For more details, refer to the websiteprovided.To open Navigation,In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Installations → Navigation.XTRAXTRA provides enhanced stand alone GPSfunctionality to you by improving thespeed and accuracy of positioningcapability. With XTRA, you can expandyour navigation to area where cellularnetworks are not accessible. First,download free XTRA data file to begin thenavigation much more quickly.Download XTRA data file1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Installations → XTRA.2. Select XTRA data download.3. Select <Yes> to connect to the XTRAserver and download XTRA data file.You will be additionally charged foraccessing the web and downloadingdata.Navigate with XTRA data file1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Tools → GPS data.2. Press <Options> → Positioningsettings.3. Scroll to Integrated GPS and press<Options> → Enable.4. Press <Back>.5. Select Navigation to begin the GPSnavigation.