53Personal productivityAssign a ringtone to a contactcard or groupYou can assign a ringtone to any contactcard or group.1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Contacts.2. Scroll to a contact or group and pressthe Confirm key.3. Press <Options> → Ringing tone.4. Scroll to a ringtone and press theConfirm key.Create a contact groupYou can create groups of contacts andsend messages to the entire group.1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Contacts.2. Scroll right to switch to the group list.3. Press <Options> → New group.4. Enter a name and press the Confirmkey.5. Scroll to your new group and press theConfirm key to open it.6. Press <Options> → Add members.7. Scroll to each contact you want to addand press the Confirm key.8. When you are finished selectingcontacts, press <OK> to save them tothe group.For an individual contact, your devicewill use the ringtone that wasassigned last to the contact card. Forexample, if you assign a ringtone to agroup and then assign anotherringtone to a contact card within thatgroup, the device will use the ringtoneassigned to the contact card whenthat contact calls.