47MediaSave a radio station manually1. From the radio screen, scroll to theradio station you want.2. Press <Options> → Save station.3. Select an empty location.4. Enter a station name and press <OK>.Flash® PlayerYour device includes Flash Player forviewing Flash (swf) files.To view a Flash file,1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Media → Flash Player.2. Scroll to a flash file and press theConfirm key (scroll right to locate filesstored on a memory card).RealPlayer®Your device includes RealPlayer forviewing many types of media files andstreaming content from the internet.RealPlayer supports files with thefollowing extensions: 3gp, mp4, rm, ram,ra, and rv.Play a media file in RealPlayer1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Media → RealPlayer.2. Press <Options> → Open → Mostrecent clips or Saved clip.3. Locate a media file and press theConfirm key.