75Additional programsGPS dataYou can view GPS data to help younavigate, show your position, or monitortrip details. Before you can use GPS data,you must activate a positioning methodvia a Bluetooth wireless connection or awireless network connection.Activate a positioning method1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Tools → GPS data.2. Press <Options> → Positioningsettings.3. Scroll to a positioning method(Intergrated GPS, Bluetooth GPS,or Network based) and press<Options> → Enable.Navigate with GPS data1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →Tools → GPS data → Navigation.2. Press <Options> → Set destination→ Coordinates.3. Enter the latitude and longitude ofyour destination and press the Confirmkey.Your device will display the direction ofyour destination, your current speed,and the duration of your trip.If you enable Bluetooth GPS, youmust pair with a Bluetooth-enableddevice (see "Search for and pair witha Bluetooth-enabled device." X p.64).Once you activate a positioningmethod, your device will attempt toopen that connection when you launchGPS data.