Connections 117• Bookmark last-viewed page: Creates a new bookmark for the lastwebpage that you viewed.• List/Thumbnail view: Select Thumbnail view (default) to view athumbnail of the webpage with the name listed, or select List viewto view a list of the bookmarks with Name and URL listed.• Create folder: Creates a new bookmark folder.• Change order: Allows you to move thumbnails around on theBookmarks page. Touch and hold a bookmark thumbnail, thenmove it to the desired location.• Move to folder: Allows you to move a page to a folder.• Delete: Allows you to delete one or all of your bookmarks.3. Tap a bookmark to view the webpage, or touch and hold abookmark for the following options:• Open: Opens the webpage of the selected bookmark.• Open in new window: Opens the webpage in a new window.• Edit bookmark: Allows you to edit the name or URL of thebookmark. For more information, refer to “Editing Bookmarks”on page 117.• Add shortcut to Home: Adds a shortcut to the bookmarkedwebpage to your phone’s Home screen.• Share link: Allows you to share a URL address via Bluetooth,Email, Facebook, Gmail, Messaging, or Wi-Fi.• Copy link URL: Allows you to copy the URL address to use in amessage.• Delete bookmark: Allows you to delete a bookmark. For moreinformation, refer to “Deleting Bookmarks” on page 118.• Set as homepage: Sets the bookmarked site as your newhomepage.Adding Bookmarks1. From the webpage you want to bookmark, tap Add.2. Assign a folder location. Home is the default.3. Tap OK. The new save page now appears on theBookmarks page.Editing Bookmarks1. From the Bookmarks page, tap and hold the bookmark youwant to edit.2. Tap Edit bookmark.3. Use the on-screen keypad to edit the name of the bookmarkor the URL.4. Tap OK.