Messaging 83• Incoming settings: Lets you specify incoming email settings,such as User Name, Password, POP3 server, Security type, Port,and Delete email from server (select Never or When I delete fromInbox).• Outgoing settings: Lets you specify outgoing email settings, suchas SMTP server, Security type, Port, Require sign-in, User name,and Password.• Forward with files: Lets you include attachments whenforwarding an email.• Split view mode enables the phone to display a split view windowwhen the phone is in landscape view.Microsoft Exchange Email (Outlook)Your phone also provides access to an Outlook Exchange server.If your company uses either Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or2007, you can use this email application to wirelessly synchronizeyour email, Contacts, and Calendar information directly with yourcompany’s Exchange server. Consult your Network or ITAdministrator for setup information and support.1. From the Home screen, Tap Email .2. If this is the first email account on your phone, enter yourEmail address and Password information.• Tap Show password to view the password string as you enter it.3. If you already have other email account setup:• Tap the account name field (upper-left) to open the emailaccount list page.• Press and then tap Add account.4. Tap Next Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (from the addemail account screen).5. When prompted to provide additional detailed information,enter the Domain, and confirm your User name andPassword information.• If your network requires SSL encryption, tap the Use secureconnection (SSL) field to place a check mark in the box andactivate this additional level. Most often, this option should beenabled.• If your network requires you accept SSL certificates, tap theAccept all SSL certificates field to place a check mark in the boxand activate this additional level. Most often, this option is notrequired. Confirm this information with your IT Administrator.Important!: If your exchange server requires this feature, leaving this fieldunchecked can prevent connection.6. If your connection fails, you can be prompted to manuallyupdate or re-enter your Exchange server information withinthe appropriate field. This field can often be populated withincorrect or out of date information.