Menu functions Camera (Menu 7)79Other files (Menu 6.5)Files that you have received but which are notsupported by your phone are stored in thisfolder. You cannot open these files on thephone.From the file list, press <Options> to accessthe following options:• Send via: send the file via MMS orBluetooth.• Delete: delete the selected file or the filesyou want.• Rename: change the file name.• Bluetooth visibility: share the selected fileor the files you want with other Bluetoothdevices.• Lock/Unlock: lock the file to prevent it frombeing deleted, or unlock the file.• Details: access the file properties.Memory status (Menu 6.6)You can check the total amount of memory andthe amount of memory currently in use in eachmedia box.Camera (Menu 7)You can use the camera module embedded inyour phone to take photos and record videos.To access this menu, press <Menu> in Idlemode and select Camera, or press and hold[ ] in Idle mode.• Do not take photos of people without theirpermission.• Do not take photos in a place where camerasare not allowed.• Do not take photos in a place where you mayinterfere with another person’s privacy.