Menu functions Settings (Menu 8)87• Time: enter the current time.• AM/PM: select AM or PM in 12-hour timeformat.• Time format: select a time format.• Date: enter the current date.• Date format: select a date format.• Calendar starting day: set which day ofthe week the calendar starts with.Phone settings (Menu 8.2)Many different features of your phone’s systemcan be customised to suit your preferences.Language (Menu 8.2.1)Use this menu to select a language for thedisplay text. If you select Automatic, thephone uses the same language as the SIM card.Greeting message (Menu 8.2.2)Use this menu to enter the greeting that isdisplayed briefly when the phone is switchedon.Shortcuts (Menu 8.2.3)You can use the Navigation keys as shortcuts toaccess specific menus directly from Idle mode.Use this menu to assign a shortcut to a key.Assigning a shortcut menu1. Select a key to be used as a shortcut key.2. Select a menu to be assigned to the key.Using shortcut optionsPress <Options> to access the followingoptions:• Change: assign or change a shortcut menu.• Remove: deactivate the shortcutassignment to the selected key.• Remove all: deactivate all shortcutassignments.Some menus may not be available, dependingon your service provider.