Funbox120Using and Selecting Menu OptionsVarious menu options are available when you areusing the WAP Browser to navigate the WirelessWeb.To access a menu option:1. Press the key.A menu displays.2. Highlight a menu option by using the andkeys.3. Access an option by pressing the Select softkey.4. If necessary, select the secondary option usingthe and keys, and press the Select softkey to confirm.Note: The menus may vary, depending on yourversion of the WAP Browser.The following options are available:Reload: reloads the current page.Home: takes you back at any time to thehomepage of the Wireless Web service provider.Go to URL: allows you to manually enter the URLaddress of the required Web page. After entering anaddress, press the OK soft key to go there directly.Show URL: displays the URL address of the site towhich you are currently connected. It also enablesyou to set the current site as the startuphomepage.Funbox121Edit Home: allows you to change the startuphomepage manually. Enter the required URL andpress the OK soft key. For further details aboutentering text, see page 119.Favorite (Menu 8.2.2)This menu option allows you to store the URLaddresses of your favourite Web sites. You canaccess this menu directly by pressing and holdingthe key while using the WAP Browser.To store a URL address:1. Select an empty location and press the Optionssoft key.2. Enter the address and press the Enter soft key.For further details about entering text, seepage 41.3. Enter a title for the favourite item and press theEnter soft key.After saving favourite items, you can use thefollowing items by press the Options soft key:To Press theset the currentpage as yourstartup homepageOption soft key, select theSave to Home option andpress the Select soft key.set a bookmark forthe current pageOption soft key, select theSave to Bookmark optionand press the Select softkey.cancel your setting Back soft key.