Organizer 99Note: Your phone is preset to use 24-hour format. Tochange the time format, see “Time Format” onpage 97.4. If you select Morning Call in step 1, select the repeatoption, Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday andpress the Select soft key.To stop the alarm when it rings, open the phone and pressthe Exit soft key.Remove Alarm: deactivates all alarm settings.Autopower: when set to Enable, the alarm rings at thespecified time, even if the phone is switched off.If the option is set to Disable and the phone is switchedoff at the specified time, the alarm does not sound.Calculator (Menu 5.5)With this feature, you can use the phone as a calculator:1. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.Notes:To delete mistakes or clear the display, press .To include a decimal point or a bracket, press the leftsoft key until the symbol you want displays.2. Press the right soft key until the symbol you wantappears; + (addition), - (subtraction),* (multiplication), / (division).