Health and Safety Information 147Other medical devicesIf you use any other personal medical device, consult themanufacturer of your device to determine if they areadequately shielded from external RF energy. Yourphysician may be able to assist you in obtaining thisinformation.Turn your phone OFF in health care facilities when anyregulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so.Hospitals or health care facilities may be usingequipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles. Check with the manufacturer or itsrepresentative regarding your vehicle. You should alsoconsult the manufacturer of any equipment that has beenadded to your vehicle.Posted facilitiesTurn your phone OFF in any facility where posted noticesso require.AircraftFCC regulations prohibit using your phone while in theair. Switch OFF your phone before boarding an aircraft.