105Message Icon Informs that... ActionNotformatted.Formatthe Card?(Formatthe InternalMemory?)- The format of the file is notsupported by this camcorder.The file format is not supported.Check the supported file.Format the memory card using menu item.••Low speedcard.Pleaserecorda lowerresolution.-The memory card doesnot have enough speed torecord.Record video at a lower resolution.Change the memory card to a faster one.page 32••RecordingMessage Icon Informs that... ActionWrite Error -Some problems occurredwhile writing data to storagemedia.Format storage media using menus afterbacking-up important files to your PC or anotherstorage media.•Release theSmart Auto -You cannot operate somefunctions manually whenSMART AUTO is activated.Release SMART AUTO function.•RecoveringData… - The file was not creatednormally.Wait until data recovery is finished.Never turn off the power and eject memory cardduring recording.••PlaybackMessage Icon Informs that... ActionRead Error -Some problems occurredwhen reading data fromstorage media.Format storage media using menus afterbacking up important files to PC or anotherstorage device.•The Numberof video filesis full.Cannotcopyvideos.-Folder and files have reachedcapacity and you can notrecord.Format the storage media using the menu afterbacking up important files to your PC or anotherstorage device. Set “File No.” to “Reset.”•The Numberof photofiles is full.Cannotcopyphotos.-Folder and files have reachedtheir capacity and you cannottake a picture.Format storage media using the menu item afterbacking up important files to your PC or anotherstorage device. Set “File No.” to “Reset.”•